Showing posts with label Clothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clothing. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Wool pants from sweaters

First in 2015, Grandparent Eline helped us make patterns to size, and then to sew wool pants using the arms of wool sweaters (not felted!).

We will be doing this again on January 24, 2019. Bring old, adult sweaters, a pair of pants that fits your child, thread, 1" wide elastic for each waistband, and if you have: a portable sewing machine that can do zig-zag stitching. We will have some extra sweaters and thread to share, and paper for making patterns.

If you have a portable sewing machine that does zigzag stitching, please bring it! 

Design notes:
Make sure top is long enough to keep tummy covered. Need more than you think for folding over for elastic.
Photos from December 3, 2015

Repeated this craft December 1, 2016