Showing posts with label Baskets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baskets. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Fine-twined baskets

September 13 & 20, 2018... and over the next couple of weeks until we all finish!

We will make another variation of fiber rush baskets this year, using a finer rush for the weavers. No experience necessary! Contributions toward materials appreciated ($5).

Previously we have made fiber rush baskets and egg-gathering baskets.

Example basket

Group's baskets in progress ~ school window display

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Egg/gathering baskets

2018 Spring - exact dates TBA

We will make this kind of basket this year, using commercial reed or natural vines or willow that we harvest. If you have a source of grapevine or willow, please collect some to use or to share! Best is to twist it while still fresh and pliable into two wreaths the same size (each basket requires two), a sturdy thickness you think would be strong enough to be the handle. I suggest a 10-15" diameter, depending what size basket you want to make.

Once you have the wreath/ring, it can dry and you can make the basket later anytime.

The ribs of the basket can be thicker wicker round reed or something you harvest yourself.

For beginners it is easier to use the smooth, bought materials, but beginners who are willing to struggle a little can certainly use the wild goods!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fiber-rush baskets

Jennie will teach how to make these baskets of fiber rush (paper fiber), which doesn't need to be soaked like wicker basketry, and it comes in many colors!

March 23 and 30, 2017 (two sessions per basket) 
$18 materials fee ~ contact the School Store by 3/3 to register!

We will use 5/32" diameter rush, which is sold by weight. One medium basket probably uses 1 lb of rush, so it's fun to get a couple of colors and share. You can bring your own materials or order from the School Store (use the email address at the bottom of that page if you don't see a specific link). If you know a local source, please let me know; otherwise, The Caning Shop in Berkeley, CA is the only source I've found for the colored rush. (Craft brown and yellow are widely available and less expensive.)