Welcome all crafters--those who want to learn, those with lots of expertise, those with large mending piles, those who want to knit because it is in their children's curriculum...
No experience required to participate in Hartsbrook Community Crafting: an opportunity to get together with other members of the Hartsbrook community and do handwork. Sometimes we all are learning a new craft, sometimes everyone is working on a different personal project, and sometimes we all work together to make something.
Join us Thursday, September 5, 2019 to finish a yo-yo quilt we started in the Spring to raffle at the Farm2Table event on September 21st. Most likely we will be set up under the canopy outside the main entrance of the green Hartsbrook Hall building, and newcomers are welcome to join in after the orientation program. We will also be selling raffle tickets for the quilt! $5.
Community Crafting gathers on Thursday mornings from 8:30-10:30am in the handwork room, upstairs in Hartsbrook Hall.